Abstergo Industries

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Abstergo Industries
Abstergo Industries was one of the largest and most prominent multinational corporations of the modern era, serving as the primary front for the Templar Order. Outwardly labeled as a pharmaceutical development company, Abstergo Industries, or its predecessors, had been responsible for the majority of human technological development for the past millennia.

Despite genuinely contributing to the technological development of society, Abstergo Industries' primary mission, as dictated by its Templar members, was the destruction of the Assassin Order, the procurement of advanced technologies originally created by the First Civilization, and establishing a New World Order.

As of the year 2012, Abstergo Industries had come under investigation by the United States government for the "New Fluoride" experiment and was due to have its accounts frozen, prompting the company to hasten their planned Eye-Abstergo satellite launch.
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